Well, I don't know what happened to our wonderful sunshine but we woke up to gray skies, clouds and some rain. Typical weekend weather. I want to take this time to wish all my readers, my friends, and my family a Happy Easter. It is a Joyous Day - A day to celebrate the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.
When we were growing up we celebrated by going to church and then to our Sunday School Teacher's afterwards for an easter egg hunt.
We didn't have a lot of fancy eggs or baskets etc. We had to go out to the hen house and gather our own eggs. We would boil our eggs on Saturday afternoon. We had one package of dye for all of us and you only got two or three eggs each. We didn't have any store bought baskets so we would make our own our of oatmeal boxes, crepe paper and flour paste. Somewhere we had gotten hold of some fake grass and we used that for the inside and we saved it from year to year. We used pipe cleaners for the handle or sometimes we would just have a piece of old bailing wire. They weren't fancy but we loved them. We would place our eggs in our little baskets and on Easter morning our dad would take the eggs out and hide them for us. We would hide and hunt those eggs over and over. It was great fun.
We always got a new dress and shoes for Easter. The only other time we got new shoes was when we started school. Sometimes our dresses were homemade from chop sacks or if we could afford a new piece of material they were made from that. If we got a store bought dress it was ordered from the National Bellas Hess catalog. Boy it was fun to go thru that catalog and pick out a new dress and then wait for the mailman to deliver it. It never looked quite like the dress in the catalog though.
I remember my aunt telling a story about her and my mother working on dresses for her daughter and my sister and I. They were pretty little organdy dresses with lots of ruffles and sashes. You know the kind to be worn when the sun is shining. Well, it had been a pretty spring and then Easter came and it turned cold and snowy. We had to wear our winter clothes and coats to church and didn't get to show off their handiwork.
When we were growing up we celebrated by going to church and then to our Sunday School Teacher's afterwards for an easter egg hunt.
We didn't have a lot of fancy eggs or baskets etc. We had to go out to the hen house and gather our own eggs. We would boil our eggs on Saturday afternoon. We had one package of dye for all of us and you only got two or three eggs each. We didn't have any store bought baskets so we would make our own our of oatmeal boxes, crepe paper and flour paste. Somewhere we had gotten hold of some fake grass and we used that for the inside and we saved it from year to year. We used pipe cleaners for the handle or sometimes we would just have a piece of old bailing wire. They weren't fancy but we loved them. We would place our eggs in our little baskets and on Easter morning our dad would take the eggs out and hide them for us. We would hide and hunt those eggs over and over. It was great fun.
We always got a new dress and shoes for Easter. The only other time we got new shoes was when we started school. Sometimes our dresses were homemade from chop sacks or if we could afford a new piece of material they were made from that. If we got a store bought dress it was ordered from the National Bellas Hess catalog. Boy it was fun to go thru that catalog and pick out a new dress and then wait for the mailman to deliver it. It never looked quite like the dress in the catalog though.
I remember my aunt telling a story about her and my mother working on dresses for her daughter and my sister and I. They were pretty little organdy dresses with lots of ruffles and sashes. You know the kind to be worn when the sun is shining. Well, it had been a pretty spring and then Easter came and it turned cold and snowy. We had to wear our winter clothes and coats to church and didn't get to show off their handiwork.
And that's Easter memories for today.
Nice memories Jenny. You brought back a few for me to remember also..
Happy Easter to you and your family. Those cakes look great..
Happy Easter Jenny! God is good! I love your stories. Hopefully the sun will peek out soon.
You have some sweet looking girls there JJ. I hope I get to meet them this summer???
Joe and Sherri
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