This is the snowed in part - It has been rough going to work the past couple days especially this morning. Monday we had snow, Tuesday we had more snow, Wednesday no snow but the weatherman predicted another storm for last night and snow it did!!! Woke up to about 6 inches of that beautiful, white, fluffy stuff this morning. When you are trying to go to work at 4:30 AM and the streets have not been plowed it's rough going. During the day the temps warmed up and it rained for awhile and converted that beautiful white stuff to that ugly, brown, yukky stuff. Snoqualmie Pass between Spokane and Seattle (Major route east to west has remained closed for the past two or three days). Northern Idaho has declared a state of emergency. There has been 63 inches of snow this winter. 40 of them have been in January. This is the most snow we have had in one winter in over a decade. That is the update on the snow situation..
This is the not snowed in part. I am keeping an open mind no matter how deep the snow gets.
I am waiting for spring, only 49 days now. I thought I would post some of my favorite photos of one of our trips to a fire lookout tower in Northern Idaho. This is a great place. You bring your sleeping bags, pack in your water and food, and you are all set for a couple of days of beautiful scenery and peace and quiet.
Where we are headed is the top of that pile of rocks in the middle of the picture above. It is called Lunch Peak Lookout. It is named in honor of the men who worked in the CC Camps and built the Lookout Tower. They used to sit among the rocks and eat their lunch, thus Lunch Peak Lookout.
The lookout tower sits 6414 feet above sea level on a flat spot approximately 50 feet by 50 feet of nothing but rock.
Photo taken in mid July. The snow was still four feet deep in spots. Made a great cooler. We didn't have to worry about refrigeration.
These are steps thru the rocks going down to the patch of green and snow in the above picture. The steps were also built by the CCC.
World Class Hikers gazing toward Canada. Do you really think you can hike that far?
Look!! We found flowers for Grandma. The white ones are Bear Grass. The red ones are Indian Paintbrush.
Looking East toward Montana. Those are the Cabinet Mountains in the distance.
Looking west toward Lake Pendoreille (pon-der-ray) in Idaho and Washington State.
And there you have it!! Makes one want to move to Northern Idaho doesn't it?
In the words of my father "That's It For Today"!!