I guess being my age has some benefits. I know I don't have too long to wait for retirement and I make sure everyone knows about it. After, all I am an "Original Baby Boomer". Baby Boomers are described as those people born after World War II , 1946 thru 1965.
World War II officially ended on August 15, 1945. My father came home from Germany in December 1945 and I was born in September 1946. You do the math. Pretty original don't you think?
There were approximately 78 million babies born during those years. 2008 is the year we start to turn 62 and can collect social security. According to the news, the first person was able to sign up in October 2007 and will receive her first check this month. Over the next two decades nearly 80 million Americans will become eligible for Social Security Benefits. Mind boggling isn't it?
Here are a few facts I wanted to share from 1946:
FAMOUS people born in 1946
Dolly Parton 1/19/1946
R. D. Johnson June 26, 1946
President George W. Bush July 6, 1946
Sylvester Stallone July 6, 1946
Bill Clinton August 19, 1946
Jenny Johnson September 20, 1946
Deaths in 1946
W.C. Fields
Gertrude Stein
H. G. Wells
St. Louis Cardinals beat the Boston Red Sox in World Series
Football Champions was Notre Dame with a Record 8-0-0
Winners of Stanley Cup was the Montreal Canadians
Top Musicians
Frank Sinatra
Duke Ellington
Andrews Sisters
Bng Crosby
All The King's Men Robert Penn Warren
Delta Wedding Eudora Welty
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care Benjamin Spock
Top Movies
It's A Wonderful Life
The Best Years of Our Lives
A gallon of gas cost 15 cents.
Average cost of a new house $5,600.00
Average yearly salary: $2,500.00
Cannes Film Festival debuts in France.
The US Army makes radar contact with the moon for the first time.
The microwave oven was invented by Percy L. Spencer.
AT & T announces first car phones.
Bikins went on sale in Paris.
Dean Martin begins his musical career.
It is hard to believe all the kids I grew up with are ready for retirement. I think of all the things we used to do and the things we lived through that today are "antiques". "I may be old but I am not an antique".
I leave you with a very special picture today.
Grandmothers of an Original Baby Boomer.
And in the words of my father "That's It For Today".
Which one of the two grandmothers are older? Very nice breakdown of baby - boomers.......
Grandmothers, are they about the same age? You did a intresting story on baby- boomers. Looking forward to more......
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