Oh yeah, I had just finished giving you a tour of Mountain City - now that you are familiar with the town I want to tell you about a place I am VERY familiar with. I spent a lot of time there while I was in Mountain City.
Yup you guessed it - it was Hardee's.
It was the only place in town I could get on the internet with my laptop. I did have access to dial up but if you have ever had dial up you know how slooooooooowwww it can be. To me dial up is frustrating - I guess I am just a little bit spoiled.
Every morning while I was there I would pack my laptop so I could get on the internet while I ate my biscuits and gravy. Now in Mountain City, Hardee's is the favorite hangout for breakfast, lunch, dinner and after church services at night. They stay open until 10 pm and more than once I closed the place. lol
Here are a few pictures I took of some of the fine people who show up at Hardee's.
Here is Mike, Manager of Hardee's talking with a couple of customers. A good morning there - Ma Phillippi - Enjoyed having breakfast with you.
Ruth Loves Ernest --- "Aini't Love Grand"!!!!
A couple of the "after church" crowd----Slick and his lady friend.
The ladies gather to talk at one table
and in the words of my father, "That's it For Today".
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