Well, the weekend was just that - the weekend.
Just a typical weekend - Grocery shopping, a little cleaning, a little bill paying - let me rephrase that a lotta bill paying, a little drive, a little visiting and that was about it. Oh and I forgot abuot the napping. Had to throw in a couple of those too. I really didn't think I needed a nap but Buddy (the cat) thought I did.
And here it is Monday. The week is looking like it is going to be a busy one. The weather is in the 90's each day which makes for those hot lazy afternoons. Would love to be lyinig in the grass and staring at the patterns of clouds in the sky. However, that is not to be so off to work I go.
Pictures today are from the weekend.
Will the vine overtake the telephone pole by fall??
Nice picture's Jenny , you and that cat are good old napping buddies.LOL keep it it up girl... Rich
Will Buddy be your 'on the road' companion? Sure hope so. How could you nap without him?
Nice flowers, grandgirls!
Looks like the cat has the best go of it.
nice blog grandma, me and my sister are in your blog. THANKS gram!!! you are doin good keep up the good work!!
- kimberlei
( your grand kid)
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