Well, It was a great day and I traveled many miles---my oldest and dearest friend picked me up and we went to Doe Valley to Hardrock Shoun Road and then we came back to town and to Pizza Palace for lunch. We then went to Rainbow (another settlement) - then thru Slemps Branch to Stouts Branch, thru Neva to Hwy 167 to Doeville and then we got on the big road (it's a two lane) - Hwy 67 to Elizabethton .
From there we went thru Butler to Watauga Lake - now we are in Carter County --to Fish Springs ,Carden's Bluff and Rat Branch on into Hampton. Then we were on the four lane into Elizabethton. That's the closest Wal Mart and we had to stop. We did some shopping and began to meander home.
The leaves are beginning to turn and the sun was shining which made for a very senic drive. I will let the pictures tell the story.
Watauga Dam

Cracker's Neck


Tobacco Field


Covered Bridge at Elizabethton . Built in 1882 it spans 134 foot across the Doe River.

Pea Vine Railroad

Valley Forge Tenessee

Doe Valley Proper

Also Doe Valley - I have walked many a mile along this road.

My beloved Kudzu

Veterans Momument obelisk in Elizabethton. Dedicated to both Union and Confederate Veterans from Carter County.

Carter County Courthouse

And that's it for today.
Nice photos, Jenny, thanks for the tour.
Great trip in your area. Thanks for posting.
Ellie and Dortha are in Tenn. now.
Gatlinburg to be exact. Is that close to you?
Joe and Sherri
I've been wondering what you're up to - nice to see you posting again and having fun.
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