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Friday, November 28, 2008

Angel Wings

Well, A while back when i was in Tennessee I was visiting with my best friend, Jean. We were discussing my going fulltime in my motorhome. I asked her for a small memento so when I was traveling the country I would remember her. She says, "I have the perfect plant it's very special and it has a story". Here's the story.

Green Christmas
Despite the frost on the ground, one special plant still bloomed.
By Joy Shoun Day
Mountain City, Tennessee

Mom and I lived near each other, so I was used to seeing her whenever I wanted to talk. After she died of breast cancer I didn’t know how I’d cope. I had my faith, but sometimes I just needed Mom. As Christmas approached I felt worse and worse. I couldn’t imagine celebrating the holidays without her.

In late November my brother invited me to spend the weekend at his house. Randy was having a hard time without Mom, too. “Remember that big plant she had when we were kids?” he asked.

How could I ever forget? “It was called an angel wing,” I said. “I haven’t seen one for years.”

Next morning a heavy frost lay on the ground. The grass, plants, bushes─everything in Randy’s yard sparkled in the icy covering. Except a lone branch on the back steps. The leaves looked familiar. Could it be? An angel wing! I went out and picked it up. I counted 12 leaves and saw a bud on the tip.

“Where did it come from?” Randy asked. The answer seemed clear to me.

All we had to do was put the plant in water, and it has grown ever since. It will last forever, like our love for Mom. Somehow, during that Christmas of the mysterious angel wing, Mom knew we needed to talk. (This article first appeared in Angels on Earth magazine.)

What a story!! "I would love to have a start off that plant" I replied. So she cut me off a start. I babied those special leaves all the way home. I sat them in water and waited. One by one the leaves fell off until only the stalk was left. I kept watching for roots at the bottom but I didn't see anything. I thought about throwing it out but I just couldn't bear to part with it.

And then it happened. I looked at the top and there was a brand new leaf. Small roots were beginning to appear at the bottom. I was so excited.

Joy, Jean and I have made a pact to share our Angel Wings to show there are truly Angels everywhere.
That's it for today.


Leno said...

Neat story Jenny, thanks for sharing. I've always believed in angels..

Anonymous said...

Loved the story about your plant. Mr Alfie has a green thumb, and is always "rescuing" "unloved" plants at Lowe's.. Wish we lived closer so we, too, could get a cutting of this lovely plant. Think it is just a Tennessee plant? Look forward to talking to you on chat again soon.. Till then, take care..

Carol Woolum Roberts said...

What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!!!