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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Need a Geek?

Well, It has been a busy day around here. The weather has turned cold (er) once again and we are having a brief respite from those dreaded four letter words r**n and s**w.

Since the Out House had not been started since mid December went out to start it Of course it turned over on the very first try. Checked it for leaks and found none. That makes me very happy. One of these days I will get out of the yard. Feeling the need for a casino fix. After all it can't sit in one spot forever.

Other than that I spent four hours trying to figure out how to transfer a photo from one computer to the other. Tried sending it by email, umpteen times -- that didn't work. Tried uploading it to another program -- that didn't work. Tried putting it on my four gig and that didn't work. That took forever because I had to go through all the photos to look for it. Was I upset when I didn't find it.

Finally, I went to The Geeks for assistance. I found what I needed to know and in less than three minutes I had my photo downloaded and put exactly where I wanted it. If you haven't been there or don't use their information I would highly recommend it. Chris is so good with her tutorials that even my little bitty pea brain can understand it and retain it until I need it and then I have to go back and retrain my pea brain. Wish I had remembered that four hours earlier.

Geeks on Tour is Jim and Chris Guld, full time RVers. They travel the USA offering seminars at RV Rallies. They also offer Wi Fi Support and sattelite installation with Datastorm and an online classroom with tutorial videos. You can sign up for a free newsletter and free videos, seminars on disks ($$) and they do website building.

They are truly Computer Geeks. I was priviledged to get to meet these fine people at the RV Dreams Rally last summer. My only regret is I didn't sign up for their computer class. I do know they are there when I need them though. All I do is log on to their site and log in to the members portion and I can get help. Their excellent information is interesting and so easy to understand.

They also travel with Odie who is the cutest Geek Dog you would ever want to see. You can reach them at

Today's photo ten of three hundred sixty five is of an original abstract painting. It is for sale if you want or like abstract art.

That's it for today.

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