Short Note:
Got in Mountain City about 11 PM Saturday night---Boy do I have a story----See You at Hardee's where I have Wi Fi.
Well, my trip on Friday was great as long as I was on Southwest. I flew from Spokane to Las Vegas and then straight to Nashville.
Knowing that I would be short on time I had to take a taxi from the airport to the Greyhound. Well, I made it with seconds to spare.
The lady at the ticket counter checked my ticket and told me to wait behind Door #5 and the driver would take my ticket. So over to Door#5 I go and I stood and waited. 5 minutes, 10 minutes------ The manager walked by I stuck my head out the door and asked "Is this the bus to Johnson City?" Yes it is right there but its not loaded yet was his answer. So I waited some more....then the bus pulls out......thirty minutes late.
The driver didn't recheck to see if there was any other passengers or give any kind of announcement that he was leaving - just pulled out and left me------high and dry ---
It was a 14 hour wait for the next bus.
BOY was I hot under the collar. My complaint fell on deaf ears. It was obvious this woman did not like her job and she didn't like me either!! She informed me that it was not her job to tell the driver he had passengers and I should have went looking for the driver to let him know I would be riding his bus.
Okay, so it is obvious I am spending the night at The Greyhound Hotel. Gotta amuse myself somehow. The TV keeps showing the debates over and over and over. If you are interested I can recite it word for word.
There were no Elvis sightings but I was told he had been seen there about a week ago waiting for a bus. Elvis was quoted as saying, "It was not quite as comfortable as Graceland but It'll do".
Night life in Nashville was rather interesting three different sets of police cars complete with ambulances showed up - no clue as to what was going on.
A lady walked up and asked if she could sit next to me - I said okay. The minute she sat down I wanted to change my mind. It was very obvious she had been partaking of some type of alcoholic beverage.
This was her conversation-----You look like a nice lady, I am trying to get home to see my sick son and my husband and I are getting divorced and I don't have any money for a bus. Can you give me sixteen dollars?
My answer was I don't have that much cash on me.
At which point, she stood up and says....Do you know that guy over there---I will go ask him. And she money there either. I did see a security guard talking to her and then she disappeared.
In order to stay awake, I figured I had better find some coffee and a newspaper. Well, evidently Nashville does not print a daily paper or it does not service Greyhound. The only type of newspaper I was able to find was yesterdays USA today and I had already read it. As for the coffee - at $1.90 an 8 ounce cup. Only took one cup to satisfy my coffee craving.
The fourteen hours did pass by. I found an electrical outlet and was able to plug in my laptop and do some work on it.
I also called Darrell (Pa) and Judy at the KOA where they are workcamping and had a wonderful conversation with them. They sure are nice folks. Hoping to meet them on my return trip thru Nashville.
Here's some photos of my wonderful stay at the Greyhound Hotel---you can bet the next stay in Nashville will be in the Out House.
Maam, You will need to stand before Door 5 and the driver will take your ticket....NOT!!
Does this driver look like he knows where he is going??
No, Jenny's luggage is not on this bus!!
Wonder how long these people have been here?
Now , you tell me what you would have done????? And what about the sign??
Instructions by Door Number 5 In English and Spanish
Accomodations at the Greyhound Hotel
And there is even food!!! If you can call it that-- You can get it two ways - microvaveable or cold
I did manage to put my luggage on the seat and grab a cat nap -
If you are in the area and have 14 hours to kill --- it is interesting.
And "That's it For Today!"