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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Charlie's Turn

Well, remember I said it had been hot - well it was hot. Tuesday we woke up to cloudy skies and it looked like it might rain at any moment. The rain held off all day until late afternoon when it poured for awhile. Wednesday morning it was very foggy . It gets darker every morning. The days are gtting shorter as we move toward fall equinox. And after fall comes winter and that dreaded s**w.

This week has seemed two weeks long and we are only in the middle of it. I worked today and came home and Buddy and I just had to have our nap. He is so cute. He loves to come greet me when I get home. He knows that some time we will take a nap so he will lay on the floor in front of the couch until Imove toward the couch and then he jumps up on the couch and starts his meowing until I lay down . Then he quits meowing and cuddles up and goes to sleep.

Charlie was upset today because Buddy has been getting all the attention on here so he thinks he should have his picture on the blog too. I tried to get a pic of him today but he was having no part of it. These cats belong to the Grand Girls but they live with Grandma. The cats are twins and were born one minute apart. The Grand Girls think that is neat because they were also born one minute apart.
Here is a picture of Charlie.

And one of Buddy.

and one of them together.

And That's it for Today.


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Soooo cute, Jenny!

Anonymous said...

That's way 2 cool about the cat's and the grandkid's time of birth. And the picture's are cute... Keep it up Jenny.

Speedy said...

I am allergic to cats..Achoooo.Sorry. I couldn't nap with a cat. Sherri is allergic to dogs...what a combonation we make...LOL


LakeConroePenny,TX said...

The puddy tats are weely purdy, but what are they doing on one of MY chairs ? Yes, I have the exact same chairs in my dining room. Great minds think alike !
Minky and Kashy would love to play with them. Happy Trails, Penny, TX