Shop With Me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Yard and Beyond

Well, the weather has not been very cooperative lately. There has not been much chance for good photo opportunities, however, I thought if I were going to get some fall pics it had better be before the snow flies. Note: There will be no beautiful scenery pics as in my Tennessee Photos.
A splash of yellow also known as Grandma's favorite flower
"The Dandy Flower"

The last Rose of summer

Would you believe this pile of leaves

All came from this little tree

Green is always good and this is "Ever Green"

Who decides when holly chnges color?

Construction in the back yard

Just over the fence

When the snow flies you will never see this mess. Who will clean up next spring?

The city fathers or who ever is in charge has decided to build a new Rite Aid Drugstore just over the fence --you would think that the superintendent or "whomever" is in charge would clean as they go --in this case - evidently not. Construction is to be completed in January. The mess will frozen and covered by snow by then. Who will clean up the unsightly mess??

That's it for today!

1 comment:

K and D in the RV said...

at least it's nice to still see green grass - we have out first huge dump of snow!