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Sunday, March 1, 2009

On to Washington!!

Well, todays update on Scott is he walked 32 miles from Ladysmith VA to Stafford VA. He has now completed 399 miles. Only 41 to go. You're right on track Scott with both your message and your walk. Thoughts and prayers continue to be with you these final few steps into Washington DC.

Scott a couple days ago in Ashland Va with only 90 miles to go.

Well, as I have told you before we grew almost everything we had to eat.
We always had plenty to eat because we raised everything. Most of our food came from the kitchen garden. The garden was located just outside our back door.

As soon as the snow was gone in the spring we would begin preparing the garden. During the winter the cornstalks were dumped on the garden after the corn was shucked. Ashes from the wood stove had been dumped into the garden. One corner of the garden was dug up and used to plant tobacco seeds for when we were ready to transplant them to the field. In the end of the tobacco bed would be planted lettuce. That was the first spring crop. As soon as the lettuce was ready we would have killed lettuce and onions. Boy what a treat on a nice spring day.

The garden then would be plowed ,disked, harrowed, and made ready to plant. Normally it was planted the same way every year. We had peas, onions, lettuce, carrots, beets, swiss chard , spinch or turnips, beans, potatoes, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes. When the peas came off we dug them up and planted more beans.

At the end of the garden we grew horseradish, on the side there was rhubarb. We planted 2 rows of peas, 2 rows of onions We planted different varieties of beans we had half runners, cornfield beans were planted in between the corn, their vines grew tall and wrapped around the cornstalks and were great to pickle along with the corn. We had October beans and pink Tips which were great to dry. We also planted pintos.

The first year we had electricity was 1951. None of our neighbors had electricity either so every one was to recieve it. It was determined that our electric pole would be placed in the edge of the garden. My grandmother had just planted her garden and the peas were beginning to sprout through the black dirt. I remember my grandmother being so worried that the men from the REA (Mountain Electric) would stomp on all her peas and we would not have any peas to eat. As luck would have it, those men dug the hole, placed the pole in the ground and strung the wire , all without a footprint in Grandmother’s garden. She was so proud.

For those of you who want to follow Scott's journey his daily walk to the steps of the U. S. Capitol here is the link

You can leave comments on this page or if you prefer to contact me you can do so at If you have memories you would care to share about living in Johnson County I would appreciate it if you would share those also.

That's it for Today!!

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