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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Weather

Well, There has been a change in the weather. Yesterday was an absolutely drop dead gorgeous day!! The High was 64 and the low was 40. Today the temp is up to 68 and the low was 38 -- I think Spring has finally Sprung!! And not a minute too soon!!

It is getting close to Easter and time for planting the garden. Both my mother and dad believed you should plant your potatoes on Good Friday. It is one of the few things they did agree on.

Here are a few other "words of wisdom" from the old timers on planting both your vegetable garden and your flower garden.

Always plant flowers and vegetables that bear crops above ground is during the light of the Moon; that is, from the day the Moon is new to the day it is full.

Flowering bulbs and vegetables that bear crops below ground should be planted during the dark of the Moon; that is, from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again.

Planting potato's on the full moon will cause them to grow closer to the top of the ground and be sunburned. Planting them on the dark of the moon will cause them to grow deep roots and make it almost impossible to dig.

Transplant flowering plants in the light of the moon.

Plant your pansies on the north side of the house.

Flowers that are planted in the sign of the twins will bloom and be beautiful.

I have been playing around with some of my photos in Picasa. I am hoping I made a movie out of these. We will see.

I guess my movie didn't work-- I will keep playing around with it.

That's it for today.


Leno said...

Good tips, thanks Jenny.

Speedy said...

Jenny I don't think Sherri and I will be planting anything but if we do we will follow your advise.

Joe ans Sherri